There is always something…

Recently I watched a You Tube of SNL Weekend Update with Gilda Radner. It ended with the remark, “There is always something.” Oh is that true.

My plan was to move, get unpacked and invite friends and neighbors over. Moved on Halloween, and unpacked. Thanksgiving came and we celebrated with some family. A couple of days later I witnessed the birth of my newest grandson Wyatt. Holidays arrive with the usual compliment of busy merriment, but with an added wrinkle. A stabbing pain sends me to the doctor where I learn I have a kidney stone. Pain occurs when stone is moving, so my pain comes and goes. Procedure to blast stone does little, and the urologist surgically removes the culprit on Valentines Day. After 6 weeks I am kidney stone free, and test look good. Just need to be sure to keep up my fluid consumption and watch my diet for sodium and oxalates. Never even heard of oxalates before.

Kidney stone episode fades and up pops another pain. This time plantar fasciitis. Now I am sporting a boot. All kinds of advise comes my way. Ice, tape foot, drink sour cherry juice, freeze a water bottle and roll foot. Trying it all. Still need to research sour cherry juice, though.

Libby and I outside a coffee shop

I feel bad that my Libby hasn’t taken any walks for the last week. So for a change of scenery we enjoy the good weather and relax outside.

Trying to put my new camera to use. I’m learning about the features while sitting outside with my cold drink.  I will be writing about my latest in an upcoming post.

I hope their selfie caught the newest slogan. Made my photo more interesting.

My mother always believed that it was better to stay away from doctor’s offices whenever possible. Ready to start taking this advice Mom!

2 thoughts on “There is always something…

  1. Hi Marlene, you didn’t mention exercise as a possible help for plantar fasciitis so just wanted to pass on that you might want to check out Miranda Edmonde-White’s Classical Stretch Strength & Flexibility Series – Season 10. It’s a set of 4 CDs and one of the episodes is specifically for plantar fasciitis. Each episode is 23 minutes and I try to do one every morning. Wishing you speedy healing from this!


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